Ahoy There Matey!
- The Puzzled Dragon

Do the SOUP editors have any idea that I'm stuck trying to figure out this puzzle and don't have time to find a puzzle for a pirate issue. Oh, wait! You all could help me solve this fun logic grid.

Your task this month is to complete the Buccaneer Logic Grid

Click image to view the puzzle.


First place: 8 Jewels + 10k
Second place: 6 Jewels + 10k
Third place: 3 Jewels + 5k
Everyone will earn 1 Jewel for all honest attempts at this issue's Puzzling Things.

Send in your completed entry to Soup Account by September 21st at 11:59 PM HEX with the subject "Puzzling Things".

Winners will be randomized from all 100% correct entries.

Only one prize will be awarded per user per issue. Should the randomizer select the same user more than once, they will be awarded the first prize selected, and any subsequent prizes will be redrawn among the non-winners for that issue.

Good luck!