Legends Among Us
- By Salazia

Welcome back, dear friends. I have a new legend to interview for you. Today I believe I have a special treat. The Bloody Baron is a hot topic. I mean it's October so why not? Hopefully you will like it.

We are discussing one of the most infamous characters, the Bloody Baron himself. Besides Salazar Slytherin and Merlin, he may be one of the most well-known Slytherins.

In his Hogwarts days, he was one of the most decorated students. (See my snakelings, hard work and doing your homework pays off.) It was once said he had full marks. A top student every year. He was lucky enough to have been hand-picked and taught by Salazar himself---which is rather impressive. He was a Pureblood wizard. We know a lot about him after he left Hogwarts, but what about his childhood years? The boy who was just like the rest of the children. Those first steps into Hogwarts Castle. What must they have been like?

Sal- What was your first sight of Hogwarts like?
B.B- It was everything I'd hoped. The stairs more grand than I had imagined they would be. A walkway up the stairs was lit with magic candles. I can remember it like it was just this morning. The boat ride we have now was only a thought in my days. We did the traditional thestral-drawn carriages. A few children could see them. I was one of them. I had been with my aunt when she died of dragon pox. Any antidote the healers tried made it worse. Though dragon pox was much stronger then.

Sal-I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. It sounds like you really loved her.
B.B- Yes, I was close with her. She taught me many spells. She was... obsessed with Salazar's work. Now, back to Hogwarts.

Sal- Yes, of course. What was your favorite class in your first year?
B.B- They all were. When I finally made it to Hogwarts I cherished every moment. In my early years at least. Though, I'd have to say Potions and Herbology were extremely fun.

Sal- Why Herbology?
B.B- Why not? It is a very beneficial class. If you don't know the proper uses of herbs for potions and other things there could be dire consequences. I, of all people, know what consequences can do.

Sal- What is the one consequence you'd change if given the chance?
B.B- Listening to Rowena. I believe we are at the end of this. Thank you for the questions.
Sal- Thank you for speaking with me today, Baron.

Well, things didn't go as well as planned. It seems we hit a heartstring. Though, sometimes it is for the best. Maybe one day the Bloody Baron and Helena will make amends.

This is Salazia saying gus am bi sinn a 'coinneachadh a-rithist (until we meet again, I thought Scottish was a nice touch today) Have a lovely day reading SOUP!