Letter from the Editors
- a Dragon, a Feline, & a Wolf

"The whole point is to live life and be - to use all the colors in the crayon box." -RuPaul

How dreadful and dreary would our world be without color? Without the beautiful combinations that bring joy, happiness, and excitement to our lives? What's your favorite color? This month the SOUP Editors tasked the writers to use their colorful palettes within their articles. We wanted to spice things up a bit and step out of the crayon box with more than just black and white crayons. Some writers had a bit more trouble than others trying to pick just one and ended up with a bit of a mess. The SOUP Offices will need more than just a scrubbing to rid itself of its new colorful facade...

To start your journey through our technicolor temptations, make sure you stop by the Three Broomsticks and catch up with Lucius Malfoy in this month's Alumni Adventures. He is bound to have a story for you. Next, you will have to avoid the low-flying pumpkins, as some of the dragons do NOT appreciate poor Kylee's attempts to liven up the Dragon's Ranch. Hopefully, you will come out unscathed! Your next steps will lead you on a path to another very different kind of dragon as Katie is Chatting With, our very own Little Dragon. Then finally, once you have finished your adventures, you can curl up and enjoy another colorful tale from Kalina in Sporty Snakes. It's bound to finish off this issue with a bang!

With all the various trips to Hogsmeade, splotches of "test" paint everywhere, and some truly inventive writers, the SOUP headquarters appear to have undergone quite the artistic metamorphosis this month. One out of four of the editorial staff, at least, is in favor of leaving the colorful chaos the way it is, hoping it will further inspire enthusiasm and imagination in the months to come. What do you think, our esteemed readers? Should the headquarters continue on in its current multi-hued state? What color would you choose to redecorate with? Which part of the prism of colors inspires you the most? Enquiring editors minds want to know!

Be sure to leave some feedback over in the Common Room SOUP thread once you've finished for a participation Jewel! Go ahead and click the first article now!

Don't forget to come back for the next issue of SOUP to find out how your beloved editors have chosen to torture and push the writers out of their comfort zones. Do you have any ideas for future issues? Owl an editor or post in the Common Room thread and let us know!