Monthly Playlist
Compiled by Erikka
I'm sure you all have wondered what all goes through our heads while we write, right? Well, here is a list of songs that the SOUP Staff listens to whilst writing! The staff really is an interesting bunch of people, and so their musical tastes vary a lot. The format is easy. It's song - artist - SOUPer who submitted the song. Have fun listening!
Walk Like an Egyptian - The Bangles - Sam
Dark Horse - Katy Perry - Camila
Fire in Cairo - The Cure - Morgana
Sandstorm - Darude - Sophie
Steve Martin - King Tut - MerrylG
Pyramid - Charice - Morgana
Sand - Damien Rice - Sophie
This Town - Niall Horan - Cia
The Eye - Infinite - Nicole
Shahdaroba - Roy Orbison - Esyel
Remember the Time - Michael Jackson - Morgana
Pyramid Song - Radiohead - Sam
Egypt Central - White Rabbit - Nicole
Enter Sandman - Metallica - Z