Magical Crafts
By Mizzy Fox
At least, I'm certain that he said such a thing at one point or another. Well, regardless of the authentic value of quotes, the month of May is already upon the world with the official season change. The shimmering, white winter slowly melting into the soft pastels of spring, or the beating summer sun falling towards the leaves changing towards the warm colours of autumn.
What could be more magical than a planet changing colours? Only one thing could match that, lava lamps! Unfortunately, lava cannot be bought or sold within this current economy, so we will just have to make do with the muggle equivalent of magic, science!
For this month's craft, we will need the following items:
A clear container of your liking
Cooking oil
Food colouring with something to mix it into the water with
Alka-Seltzer tablets (or any generic brand copies)
Step one, take your container and fill it about halfway with oil.
Step two, with the remaining space in the container fill about half of that with water. There should be approximately twice as much oil as there is water.
Step three, add in your food colouring. You might need to stir the colouring into the water.
Step four, take your Alka-Setzer tablet and add it into the container.
NOTE: After you've added the tablet, DO NOT close the container! Wait until after the "lava" has stopped before sealing the container.
There you have it! Your own personal lava lamp with science! If you want it to glow, just like regular lava, only hold a flashlight under it but if you're using a plastic container be cautious to not melt the plastic with the heat from the light.
Happy cr...wait, what do you mean lava lamps aren't made from real lava?! Next you'll tell me that the Easter Fairy is actually a bunny!
Happy crafting Slytherins.
Signed, Mizzy