Poetry Column
- By: Ragna


Reflections through glass
Twisting and turning
Colors swirling amongst the shards
Falling and dancing

Twisting and turning
Watching dust motes twinkle
Falling and dancing
Swaying back and forth in the light

Watching dust motes twinkle
Shimmering and sparkling
Swaying back and forth in the light
Levitating and spiraling

Shimmering and sparkling
Twirling pens in hand, blank notebook open
Levitating and spiraling
Doodling designs along the sides

Twirling pens in hand, blank notebook open
Staring out the window blankly
Doodling designs along the sides
Watching as the world passes by

Staring out the window blankly
Reflections through glass
Watching as the world passes by
Colors swirling amongst the shards