Magical Candy all Summer Long

By Samantha Bradley

Summer is coming, school will be out soon and it's the perfect time to celebrate with a sweet and delicious treat. Luckily, we have no shortage of these in the wizarding world so make sure and stop by Honeydukes and stock up on some of the candies you love best. Chances are high that you won't be able to get them over the school break, so don't worry about buying too many. I don't think it's possible to do that, and if you get tired of eating them there are several things you can do. You can save them, you can give them as gifts, or you can use them as bribery in return for certain favors. All are excellent ideas, don't you think? I knew you would agree.

Honeydukes has so many different types of candies that it can be really difficult to figure out which ones you like best. Some of the most popular choices are Chocolate Frogs (with the added advantage of free famous wizard cards), Sugar Quills, Blood Pops (especially if you fancy yourself a vampire or simply enjoy the taste of blood) and Chocolate Cauldrons. If you can afford it, you might want to pick up a few pieces of everything the shop sells to ensure a full sensory experience (I'm all about the sensory experiences, especially when they're sweet!) But I'm pretty sure most of you already know all this. I'm not talking to the uninitiated, after all, and I'm fairly certain that you all have a pretty good idea of exactly what you like.

Now, this part of the article is mainly geared towards those of you who would like to experience a brand new taste sensation. You want to experience the unique and the unusual, and I definitely have some recommendations for you. Give a try to Cockroach Clusters, Bat's Blood Soup, Ice Mice or Skeletal Sweets. And honestly, I think all of you might enjoy Crystallized Pineapple, whether you're adventurous or not. Old Sluggy was onto something there. Taste it and you're going to want more.

For those of you who appreciate beautiful candies, take a look (and taste!) at Pink Coconut Ice and Sugared Butterfly Wings. These are delicious as well as true works of art, if you can bear to eat them, that is. (I honestly can't. I just stare and stare at their sheer perfection, but I'm sure they are quite tasty.)

So, now you know how to make sure that you have a good supply of treasured magical candy to last the whole summer. Take it from me; this advice is going to prove to be very useful to you in the future. Good luck, and may all of your snack discoveries be happy ones!