Bad Drivers

By Lia

Have you ever been driving or in a car with someone and then, all of a sudden, some jerk or jerkette decides to cut you off and almost kills you? Not only do you try to avoid getting hit and killed by this person, but you also have to try and avoid killing yourself as you avoid this stupid person. This rant is dedicated to all of those bad drivers out there, from the unannounced cutters, to the swervers, even the ones that drive 10 under the speed limit: you are the reason I drink...not really, but there are the headaches; you give me headaches and nausea from the erratic driving to avoid you.

For the love of God, learn how to drive. Not only will you be helping me by not getting into my lane without asking and also learn what a speed limit is, but you will also avoid a tragic accident from happening and save yourself a lot of money in insurance payments and car repair or purchases. Please, reevaluate your choices while you are driving. If you wouldn't like someone to do it to you, you sure as hell know that someone else doesn't want you doing that to them.

Put the cellphone down, make sure all your lights are working, turn off the high beams when clearly (you don't need them on), and, the most important piece of information that I will probably give you, USE YOUR DAMNED BLINKERS! BLINKERS SAVE LIVES.

Laters! -Lia