Have you ever thought about what one of your favorite characters would be like if they were dropped in a different fandom? Have you ever thought about what it would be like for a totally new character to be dropped into your favorite fandom? This month is all about taking characters from one fandom and dropping them in another.
Your task this month is to create a lair for a character in a fandom you enjoy. This character should be from a different fandom than the one you are setting your lair in. This lair could be anything. Perhaps you want to drop Snow White into a Beauxbaton's dorm room. This lair also has to include something from another fandom. For example, Snow White's Beauxbaton's dorm room might have a mini-Tardis (Dr Who) in a corner of the room. Your lair must have something symbolizing your character. (Ex. Snow White's Dorm might have Blue Bird figurines all over the place and an apple sitting on the nightstand.)
You can create this lair through any graphic means. You can graphically create exactly what the room looks like, or you can make a sort of blueprint with different shapes in the room, labelling them what is what (there should be some description of what these items look like to hit the requirement regarding a symbol of your character).
You must label what fandom your character belongs to, what fandom their lair is in and what fandom your item belongs to (and what it is if it is particular to that fandom).
Send in your completed entry with an image of your lair and item along with the three fandoms listed to Soup Account by July 21st at 11:59 PM HEX with the subject "Puzzling Things".
15,000 galleons
10,000 galleons
Winners will be randomized from all 100% correct entries.
Only one prize will be awarded per user per issue. Should the randomizer select the same user more than once, they will be awarded the first prize selected, and any subsequent prizes will be redrawn among the non-winners for that issue.
Good luck!