Deathly Fashion
- By Marsha Mallow

I'm sure that everyone has gone through their own phase of wanting their very own Invisibility Cloak. Well, I'm here to tell you that I've unlocked the secret to this great accessory! Yes, you heard me right, I have the secret of getting an Invisibility Cloak of your very own without selling your mortal soul.

1. Kid's Sheets
The very first item you'll need is a set of kid's sheets. The key component of being invisible is that nothing can see you, and we all know that the second a child hides under their sheets they're invisible to the outside world. Since they're only using this power to hide from monsters it wouldn't upset the balance of the universe if we tapped into its source as well.

2. Pockets
Everyone needs some hidden pockets inside of their cloaks, where else would we store our top-secret plans to win the House Cup next term? These can be sewn in if you have the skill set or they can just be safety pinned into place. The choice is up to you, but please remember that regular tape and generic glue will not suffice. These pockets must be secure, we wouldn't want the other Houses to know of our plans.

3. Distraction
There's always going to be some displacement where the cloak would give away where the cloak is located at. That's why you'll need some distractions in order to keep people's eyes from wandering to you. This works best if you have a little mini-army of puppies and kittens. Everyone would be distracted by seeing little furballs that they wouldn't even notice you sneaking away. It's brilliant!

I hope you all take this advice and can't wait to see the entire Common Room covered in Invisibility Cloaks!