Change your experience

Letter From The Editor

By Deidra

As Editor in Chief of SOUP, I’m obligated to wish a Mr. Harry Potter a very happy birthday, and to announce my delight at working with the Gryffindors in the IHC. I can promise that our combined efforts will defeat the Ravenpuffs, or whatever they are calling themselves. Doesn’t ‘Ravenpuff’ sound like something you’d eat? It does to me, at least. Now that that order of business is done, let me tell you about this month over in SOUP HQ. First of all, part of my heart is missing today -no, Pansy and I are fine, now I’m talking about Oana. My partner in crime, my co-editor, my person that I owl when I need to hide a body has decided that she needs to pursue her lifelong dream of dragon dental hygiene. I was a wreck for days! Now, I suppose, if she’s happy, I’m happy, albeit still suffering from severe abandonment issues.

In other news, I’m more than half convinced that Sara, our top branding consultant and one of our awesome graphics designers is trying to turn SOUP into an evil empire. She talks in her sleep, you see. I heard her say something about mind control, and self-strangling newspapers. I think Luxa and Tyler are in on it too. You know those two top news reporters do almost everything together, they even make sure their clothes match. Sara absolutely must have bribed them with matching sweatpants. That’s the only way their loyalty could be swayed. I’ll keep digging for clues, hopefully I can win them back. If I’m not being included on the evil empire talks, it definitely means that Sara means to take me out. Otherwise she’d tell me, right? Right?One final bit of news, my favorite coffee mug is missing. It’s lime green with blue polka dots and has a picture of a nargle on it. This may or may not be related to the evil take-over Sara is planning. We will have to see if my beloved coffee receptacle turns up elsewhere.

In the meantime, good luck Slytherin in the IHC, happy birthday to those that need wishing, and I hope you all have a fantastic rest of the month. Until next time (hopefully)!


