A Little Fairy Told Me
By A Little Fairy
This month, I wanted to talk about something extremely important. It's a pressing issue in this house and I feel like the paper needs to address it. I can sum it up in one single name: Lee. Yes. I know, you were expecting something deep and insightful and whatever, but this is REALLY important, guys. I'm serious.
Lee has recently been promoted to Global Moderator. Yeah, I know, pretty impressive. He was named Member of the Month AND elected Assistant Head of House. All announced in the same week! On paper, he's extremely cool. A bit obsessed about the Civil War, but he's probably taught us all something interesting and he's even managed to get me interested in history! I hate history! But recently, I've had my doubts about Lee. Is he really as cool as we all think?
A little fairy has informed me of some extremely disturbing news: Lee has been POLITEFUL towards our sworn enemies allies in the Interhouse Competition (IHC)- the Gryffindors. That isn't a bad thing in and of itself, no. But is this someone you really want to have in charge? Do you WANT a nice guy as your AHoH? I mean, honestly. Anyways, enough about Lee. We're going to give him a big head, and that would be extremely contradictory.
The next thing I feel like needs to be shared with the world? [Which Lee is a part of, by the way - yet so am I. Dang it. I've said too much!]
SNAKEDICTATORSHIP2.0! Yes. I know, last month was rebellion and we've been in a transitional government phase, but this is extremely serious! As some of you recall, our lovely Head of House previously served an effective term in this position last term. It was deemed a dictatorship for some reason, although the rest of the staff was pretty darn awesome (aw, stahp it, you me and productive. She was recently re-elected (for obvious reasons - she's AWESOME at it) and what we all thought was over... has returned. The court of Kaidee is back and as ON FIRE as EVAR, baby.
Source for this information? Well, I can't give that up at this time. Sorry! I'll just say that this person is close to said dictatorship. Heck, she was Head Girl for both of them! Wait. Dang. I've said too much. TOO MUCH. You guys always make me do that. Overall, Slytherins, the gossip is all good. But is that what we WANT? Come on, snakes. Give me something to work with. Your lack of drama and bloodshed has made my article boring. Old news, so 2000-late. Have something interesting? Feel free to owl Luxa with any tidbits of information you might have about all the latest talk in the common room. -wink-
Dueces(or whatever the kids say these days),
A Little Fairy [that said nothing to you]