Snow = Winter wonderland?
I think not. Why would anyone consider snow good? Snow is miserable. I mean sure it may be fun for kids... sometimes.
I remember when I was 13, I went snowboarding for the first time with my class. I was doing pretty good on my first shot down the mountain. And then the person in front of me fell and of course they didn't teach me how to make a quick turn yet. My snow board hit theirs since they fell forward... and I flipped over them. I was sore for weeks.
That was the only time I tried to snowboard. I then went tubing for the rest of the day. I didn't have much luck there either and in one of the courses the tubes had jumps. Somehow mine didn't stay under me. I am sure you get the impression of what happened.
Despite how fluffy it looks, snow does not make for a soft landing.
When you get older snow only gets worse. You then have the responsibility of shoveling it because Merlin forbid should work close or let you work from home so you don't have to get up at three in the morning just so you can make it on time at nine to work.
It only gets worse because you need to bring your shovel with you because by the time you have finally gotten out of the office a snow plow has plowed your car in and you need to shovel that off your car. And if you thought shoveling regular snow was bad this was even worse. This.... Crap... Is so solid that it just Will. Not. Move.
Good luck getting home. And when you finally get home, you find that you can't pull into your driveway because the plow plowed in your driveway AGAIN! So you have the choice. Break your car driving over the mounds or getting out to shovel. AGAIN! Well getting out to shovel should cost you less. Assuming that you haven't broken your back yet.
Finally, you get back into your house and you eventually get to bed. When you wake up in the morning you think that it HAS to be a better day. Then you look out the window and see that your driveway was plowed in again because everyone was shoveling the snow into the street.
Snow. Bah Humbag!