a SOUP - February 2023
Where has the Sun Gone?
- The Puzzled Dragon

"What on Earth is happening here?" I peered through the window at the darkening evening. The wind was blowing so hard that the rain seemed to pour sideways. I sipped my tea and watched how the water turned solid and soon it started hailing. The hard ice spheres fell down from the sky, smashing dents into the cars parked outside.

"It's raining cats and dogs!" That's a funny idiom. Have you ever searched for other equivalents for that in other languages? They are quite quirky as well... Are there any that you use to describe the weather?

Can you bring back the sun by solving this sliding puzzle?

Sliding Puzzle

Good Luck my readers as I look for the Sun, The Puzzled Dragon.


First place: 8 Jewels + 10k
Second place: 6 Jewels + 10k
Third place: 3 Jewels + 5k
Everyone will earn 1 Jewel for all honest attempts at this issue's Puzzling Things.

Send in your completed entry to Soup Account by February 21st at 11:59 PM HEX with the subject "Puzzling Things".

Winners will be randomized from all 100% correct entries.

Only one prize will be awarded per user per issue. Should the randomizer select the same user more than once, they will be awarded the first prize selected, and any subsequent prizes will be redrawn among the non-winners for that issue.

Good luck!