Legends Among Us
- Milena Racheli

It is December and, at least in my part of the earth, it is a cold day and I wonder if I am walking through a cloud or if it is truly that misty around everywhere. I also ponder about snow and whether it will fall this afternoon.
This afternoon I am on my way to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Which might sound a tad odd, because I started this story with it being a cold December day. But the legend of the month wished to have as much ice-cream as they wanted and I have to admit, I was not against that. I do love myself some ice-cream, too!
In Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour I quickly see our legend of the month, Rirri. Of course, dressed in all green. I smile at this wonderful portrayal of Slytherin pride. While we both stuff ourselves with different flavours of ice-cream, we start another lovely interview.

MR: What is your opinion about being the Legend of Slytherin of this month? Do you feel like many people can be called a Legend, or just a few?
R: I am very flattered and humbled, and of half a mind to disagree, but I'll just keep quiet and take the compliment. I definitely feel like there are quite a few people who've done so much for Slytherin and deserve to be called a Legend.

MR: If you were to prepare a Yule meal for all the Legends of Slytherin, what would you prepare for them?
R: If I were to prepare it myself, it would hardly be a feast, but I can whip up a very delicious rice soup. So that's what I would treat everyone to.

MR: What is your favourite Wizarding meal and would you like to eat it often?
R: Any meal cooked by my lovely house elf is a favourite meal of mine, but I do have a fondness for treacle tarts. I don't like to eat it too often though, I enjoy it more when it's rare.

MR: Imagine being able to prepare a lavish huge Yule cake, what would the design on it look like for you?
R: As a huge Quidditch fan, there would definitely be a Quidditch inspired design on it. Perhaps Slytherin beating Ravenclaw and winning the Quidditch Cup? I bet the design would make it taste all the more delicious.

MR: What tradition around Yule and food do you like the most?
R: That you can just stuff yourself with as much food as you want and no one would think any less of you for it. In fact, it's practically expected that you do.

MR: Is there any beverage you enjoy when it is very cold outside?
R: Depending on what time of day it is. If it's early morning to early afternoon, a hot chocolate will do, but if it's late afternoon or evening, I certainly prefer a cup of mulled wine.

MR:In what kind of environment would you like to enjoy this favourite beverage?
R: When the snow is falling heavy outside, and I'm sitting in front of a warm fire. That's the proper way to enjoy it!

Thinking about this, we dream about a lovely Yule and the food we might enjoy. This all while tasting some more ice-cream. I do feel like this is a good way to start the holiday season and at the end of this interview I no longer dread the short days and long nights. May we have a good winter season. Or summer, it depends on where my readers are situated. We do have some ideas for what to prepare for Yule dinner now, but perhaps it won't be possible to prepare a better treacle tart than Rirri's house elf would be able to.

Thank you, Rirri, for this sweet interview! And I hope to see you again, soon. I am already looking forward to meeting more Legends of Slytherin!

- Milena Racheli