Letter from the Editor
Dear Slytherin,
I think it is safe to say that things have settled into some sort of normalcy around the SOUP office. Nicole and April manage the everyday tasks, Sara and her super design squad make everything pretty, Pansy keeps everyone fashionable, and then there’s me. Most days I drink an excessive amount of coffee, and pretend to look busy. Truthfully, I do very little these days, besides the occasional signature or approval. I think it is safe to say that I’ve gotten rather complacent.
At least, I was until last Tuesday. After work, I got home wanting to do nothing more than curl up on the couch, and read a good buck, instead, I came home to Pansy (who had taken the day off) ripping our flat apart. Remodeling, she says. We needed new drapes, she says. The new drapes she bought, didn’t match the wallpaper, she says. Why couldn’t she buy new drapes that matched the wallpaper? Why did we need new drapes anyway? Alas, when your wife hands you a paint brush and tells you to get busy, you get busy. So, there I was, painting my living room while Pansy picked out fabric to reupholster all the furniture. My dream of reading quietly for the evening dead and buried indefinitely. Remodeling one room isn’t so bad, right? Well, with Pansy, she doesn’t just do one room, she does EVERYTHING. So, for the last week, I’ve been up to my ears in redecorating our flat. I’ve given up on getting the paint out of my hair, my thumbs are probably going to have hammer shaped bruises until I die, and my once professional looking manicure is utterly destroyed. I would really like to know how Pansy continues to look like a walking fashion show, when I have turned into a walking apocalypse movie. She has, however, promised me that she is picking out a new desk chair for my home office. Something big and comfortable. So, while I’m fairly certain my office is going to be painted pink, at least I’ll be comfortable, right? Married life, let me tell you.
Office life is also turning out to be rather interesting. Brandon suggested that for the theme this month, we focus on each other. So, we’ve taken the opportunity to get in some office bonding time. Icebreaker games, group lunches, one on one chats in my office, etc. I have learned that April has a vampire in her family, Sara sleeps in a box of art supplies, Nicole has spelled her agenda to appear on her left forearm (handy, I’d imagine), and Lu and Tyler have lived in the office closet since the Pansy takeover two months ago. Basically, I’ve learned everything I never cared to know about my staff, and so much more, unfortunately. Pansy has also decided that the staff need to know certain details about our marriage that have made it so none of them can look me in the eyes without chuckling. Again with the married life.
It seems that Pansy is calling my name, time to go paint something I imagine. Until next month!